Coups d’etat in West Africa 23.02.2022

West Africa has seen a wave of coups d’Etat over the last two years, leading to the revival of the notion of a “Coups Belt” stretching from the Atlantic coast across the Sahel to the Red Sea. But seeing a geographical area as “coup prone” or “plagued by conflict and endemic corruption” is problematic, over-simplistic and does not help grasp what is at play in the region.

What are the major recent political incidents occurring in West Africa? And why is the region particularly affected by coups or coup attempts?
In this episode, Radio UF attempts to provide a summary of the latest regime changes in West Africa and delves into the structural conditions fostering political instability."

Broadcasters: Karin Myrdal, Isak Johansson, Mélina Froidure


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